Kidney stones are solid masses which are made of crystals resulting in the creation of a blockage. These stones usually originate in the kidneys but they can develop in any of the parts of the urinary tract that is in the uterus, urethra or the urinary bladder. The kidney stones can be very painful which is why the people look forward to a good kidney stone clinic for treatment.
Types of Kidney Stones
The kidney stones are not always formed from the same crystals and this is the reason they are classified into different types according to their element of formation.
- Calcium Stones – These stones are the most commonly occurring ones which are formed from calcium oxalate but they can also contain calcium phosphate or maleate.
- Uric Acid Stones – These stone are more common in the women as compared to the men which might occur in person affected with gout or one who is undergoing chemotherapy. These stones are formed when the urine is too acidic in nature.
- Struvite Stones – These stones occur as a result of some kinds of infections of the urinary tract and is more common in the women. The struvite stones can also result from a kidney infection.
- Cystine Stones – These stones are very rare and occur as a result of the ones with genetic disorder known as cystinuria.
Symptoms of Kidney Stones
- Dull ache in the upper portion of the back
- Blood trace in urine
- Light-headedness and vomiting
- Fever or chills
- Burning sensation while urinating
The diagnosis is done with the help of some of the important tests. Some of them are
- Complete Blood Count
- Serum Creatinine
- Urine Microscopy and Culture
- X Ray – Abdomen and Pelvis
- Ultrasound KUB
- IVU (Intravenous Urography)
- CT Urography
Why Choose Us?
The Gujarat Superspeciality Hospital has a state of art kidney stone clinic to effectively deal with all sorts of kidney stones to complexly satisfy the users. The doctors at the clinic are adequately trained and vastly experienced to impart the supreme quality treatment to the patients.